Click here to download a full color .PDF version of this month’s newsletter. Well, it looks like will finally be getting some rain this week. As of 02/10/2025, after months of dry weather, we are expecting our strongest storm yet. We’re forecasted to receive between 1.5” and 3” of rain, and snow levels dropping down…
Read MoreNovember 2024
Download our newsletter in a full color.pdf file. ONE BROKEN SPRINKLER HEAD CAN KILL HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS OF PLANTS PLEASE A MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR ALL THE DEADS PLANTS KILLED IN ACTION. How is this possible? If you think about it for a minute it makes sense, because all of the water that was going…
FERTILIZERSBeginning in late March we applied for the first time , Best Super Turf 25-5-5 with polyon 43 and Trikote. This highly effective, economical fertilizer adds the controlled release nitrogen of POLYON(polymercoated urea) and TriKote (Polymer-coated, sulfer-coated urea). With 56% of its nitrogen in a controlled release form, Super Turf can be applied to turfgrass…
Read MoreWEEDS!
There seems to be a lot of talk in the air about weeds in lawns, in planters and everywhere.
Read MoreDecember Newsletter 2023
Happy Holidays! from FS Commercial Landscape The New Year will be bringing us a better well-defined irrigation repair and billing system. The paragraph below helps explain how where, why we have changed the system. Thank You for your patience while we put this new system into place, we know it will BE WORTH THE WAIT!…
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