Beginning in late March we applied for the first time , Best Super Turf 25-5-5 with polyon 43 and Trikote. This highly effective, economical fertilizer adds the controlled release nitrogen of

(polymercoated urea) and TriKote (Polymer-coated, sulfer-coated urea). With 56% of its nitrogen in a controlled release form, Super Turf can be applied to turfgrass with-out watering for up to 24 hrs. It also has 1.5% of iron for a quick green up. This fertilizer will help keep the turf green all summer long. Chemicals For the past 2 years we have been using Trimec selective herbicide on all turf sites. This spring and summer we will be using a new selective herbicide SpeedZone. SpeedZone contains an advanced chemistry for broadleaf weed control in turf. The mode of action inhibits a key enzyme in chlorophyll production. This causes cell membranes to rupture and rapidly disintegrate within hours. Weed death can occur within 7 to 14 days. Speed zone has good enviro, and ecological properties compared to Trimec used previously. Insects and Diseases The spring and summer months bring a higher degree of insect and disease to the landscape. Examples of what may occur on a job site: (insects: Aphids, scales, mites, borers, grubs, and grasshoppers. Diseases: Anthracnose, phytophera, fairy ring, Armyllaria. We will watch your trees, shrubs, and turf grass for these problems. For insects there are 2 products that are highly recommended: Merit and Allectus.